1. Membership of the Club
The membership of the Club shall comprise: -

(a) Full Member

  (b) Temporary Full Member
  (c) Retired Full Member
  (d) Life Member
  (e) Associate Member
  (f) Honorary Member (No admission for this type of membership since 1.1.2016. The existing membership will no longer be existed at any time after it expires )
2. Admission Requirement

(a) Full Member


ˇ§Full Memberˇ¨ means a serving staff member of the Correctional Services Department, of the rank of Officer or above, or, of an equivalent rank or grade.

  (b) Temporary Full Member

A person who, by nature of his official duties, maintains contact with the Department, may be granted the status of Temporary Full Member if approved by the President. Such membership, to be reviewed annually, shall cease to have effect when that individual no longer carries his official contacts with the Department.

The President may permit any person to make use of any or all facilities of the Club as a Temporary Full Member on such terms and conditions as may from time to time be laid down.
Temporary Full Member shall have 50% weighted voting right in the management of the Club.
In the event of a newly-admitted Temporary Full Member failing to pay such sums as may be due from him to the Club within one month of his admission to the Club, the General Committee may at its discretion and with the approval of the President erase his name from the list of Members.
  (c) Retired Full Member

ˇ§Retired Full Memberˇ¨ means a retired Full Member who has been elected by the General Committee under these instructions.

The President may permit any retired Full Member to make use of any facilities of the Club as a Retired Full Member.
Retired Full Member shall have 50% weighted voting right in the management of the Club.
  (d) Life Member

ˇ§Life Memberˇ¨ means a person of distinction, or a retired Full Member, who has made significant contributions to the Club so appointed.

  (e) Associate Member
  The President may permit any officers of the Government Secretariat, or disciplined forces, or dignitaries to make use of the Club as an Associate Member.
3. Subscription
Full Members

Full members shall pay a monthly subscription as determined by the General Committee and approved by the President.

Temporary Full Member

Temporary Full Members shall pay a monthly subscription as determined by the General Committee and approved by the President.

Retired Full Member

Retired Full Members shall pay a monthly subscription as determined by the General Committee and approved by the President.

Life Member

Life Members shall be exempted from payment of monthly subscription.

Associate Member

The President may exempt Associate Members from payment of monthly subscriptions.

Honorary Member
  Honorary Members shall pay monthly subscription of such amounts as determined by the Committee and approved by the President. This subscription will be paid in advance for the first year of membership and thereafter monthly. The subscription for the first year is not refundable.
4. Spouse of A Member
The spouse of a Member may utilize the facilities of the Club so long as the Member remains as a Member of the Club.
5. Members' Children

A Memberˇ¦s children under 18 years of age may be admitted to the Club Premises, except the bar, in the company of the Member.

Members shall be responsible for the control and conduct of their children when using the Club facilities, and may be liable to pay the cost of repairs for any damage howsoever caused at the discretion of the General Committee.
6. Rights and Privileges of A Member
The rights and privileges of a Member are personal to himself. They are not transferable by his own act or by operation of law and shall cease upon his death or upon his ceasing from any cause to be a Member.
7. Restriction of Membership
Subject to the approval of the President, the General Committee may at any time restrict the number of Members in any category of membership.
8. Resignation

An Honorary Member or Temporary Full Member, who desires to resign from the Club, shall notify the Honorary Secretary in writing to that effect.

Any Member, upon ceasing to be a Member of the Club, shall return his membership card to the Club.
Any Member who ceases to be a Member shall, nevertheless, remain liable to pay to the Club all monies which, at the time of his ceasing to be a Member, shall be due to the Club.
Members resigning from the Club shall be repaid any unused balance of subscription after notifying the Honorary Secretary, with the exception of the first yearˇ¦s subscription paid in advance by a newly-admitted Honorary Member.