會所網站新增會員登入服務 事宜
為提升本會所的服務質素,會所網站將於 6 月 1 日開始新增會員登入服務,詳情如下:
1. 瀏覽本會網頁 http://www.officersclubcsd.com.hk
2. 進入會員登入頁面,在登入名稱欄鍵入會員帳戶號碼 4 位數字,例如 123 請輸入 0123,在密碼欄鍵入會員英文 姓名細楷全寫,例如陳大文請輸入 chantaiman,再按登入。
3. 登入後請進入更改密碼欄修改個人密碼。
敬請留意。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 2813-1105 與會所職員聯絡。
詳情亦可瀏覽本會所網頁 http://www.officersclubcsd.com.hk/home.asp了解更新資訊。
電話::2813-1105 傳真::2813-2208 地址:香港赤柱東頭灣道 51 號
電郵:stanley@officersclubcsd.com.hk 網站: www.officersclubcsd.com.hk
Dear Members,
Passcode for Club’s Website
In order to improve the quality service of the Club, a login function will be added to the Club’s website with effect from 1 June 2017 as follows:
1. Visit our website http://www.officersclubcsd.com.hk
2. Enter the login page, then input your username (your A/C number in 4 digits, e.g. for a/c no. 123, please enter 0123) and password (for first time login, please enter your full name in lowercase letter, e.g. chantaiman) then click LOGIN.
3. Please change your personal password after login for the first time.
Thank you for your kind attention. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 2813-1105.
You may also visit our website http://www.officersclubcsd.com.hk/home.asp for updated information.
Officers’ Club, CSD
Tel: 2813-1105 Fax: 2813-2208 Address: No. 51, Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong. Email: stanley@officersclubcsd.com.hk Website: www.officersclubcsd.com.hk